Page 43
1: Blake has lifted a leg and is attempting to escape the crib.
Blake: Gotta get out, gotta resist…
[Faded text: Gotta obey… Gotta give in…]
Gotta… relax…
[Gotta relax…]
2: Hesitating on the edge of the crib, Blake’s diaper grinds softly as the shadowy figure or a rabbit looms over his shoulder.
Shadow: So much easier to obey… to listen… to be little and relaxed…
So nice to feel that soft padding clung so close… feels so good… so hard…
3: Blake falls ot his back on the ground, eyes shut.
4: He opens his eyes and looks up. Jesse’s feet appear by his head.
Jesse: Tsk tsk…
Hover text: why are you escaping? don’t you love me unconditionally yet?