Page 25
1: Blake is standing and backing up, backed into a corner. He’s in only his diaper at this point.
Blake: Stay back, I’m warning you! I-I was just curious, that’s all!
2: Wilson is prowling towards him, hands out.
Wilson: Someone needs a chaaaange!
3: Closer on Blake, still backing up.
Blake: I mean it, just because I’m drunk doesn’t mean you can–
4: Blake suddenly looks a lot happier.
Blake: a-ahaaaahh…
5: Slumped to the ground, Blake is helpless as Wilson scratches his tummy.
Wilson: Aren’t you so cuuuuuute.
Blake: Shut uuuuuup.
Wilson: Cute lil diaper kittyyyyy.
Blake: I’ll murder yooouuuu.
Hover text: I am a fearsome predatooorrrr