
1: The two are on the couch. Wilson is happily talking to Blake, who is nodding but looking nervous, blanket still covering him.

Wilson: So at that point we were tied, he had the sniper rifle but I had the grenade launcher.

Blake: Right…

Wilson: Now on that level there are a lot of tight corners…

Blake: Uh huh…


2: A shot of the opened package near the TV.

Wilson: Oh! My package came already. These are supposed to be super thick…

Blake: Oh yeah? You don’t say.


3: Wilson is bent over, facing away from the camera, looking through the open box.

Wilson: Huh, there should be one more… and the package is… open…


4: Wilson turns to face Blake/the camera.

Wilson: Blake.. did you…


5: Panic is all Blake is.


Hover text: NO YES SHUDDUP