Page 79
1: Wilson waits outside a movie theater, looking at his phone.
Caption: The next weekend…
2: Eli approaches., dressed well in a dark skirt and purple corsette.
Wilson: There you are! It’s starting soon!
Eli: Hello to you too, kiddo.
Wilson: Not… hngf. I mean, hiiiii.
3: The two walk together.
Eli: All padded up for the movie, lil guy? No bathroom breaks for you?
Wilson: No bathroom breaks for me…
Eli: Atta boy.
4: In a tray in Wilson’s lap there is a large tub of popcorn and two drinks.
5: Wilson and Eli sit close and talk.
Wilson: Should have jooooined me for padded moooovies.
Eli: You just want to see me in one of those.
Wilson: I can dream!
Eli: Maybe if you’re really good.
Hover text: yes doms love being talked into wearing diapers too works every time