Page 42
1: Wilson is at the door, talking to Anette.
Wilson: Didja call him? I wasn’t expecting him home for another hour.
Anette: I tried, but it went right to voice mail. We were supposed to meet for lunch…
2: Blake sits on the floor in a crib. He’s in a diaper and sucks on a pacifier, and he looked dazed and brainwashed.
3: He looks to see his clothes folded across the room on a chair, his cellphone sticking out.
Blake: Gotta… get to my phone…
4: Blake is crawling forward, trying to reach out the side of the crib.
Blake: Gotta focus, gotta think, gotta… obey…
Nng, no, can resist, can… can’t resist… the voice…
Hover text: Can’t.. resist… new season of the Voice… on NBC…